Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cardiff Fork Wildflower walk on June 21 st.

The mystery plant we found up in the shaded duff of old groth Spruce (notice the barbaque potato chips on the ground, and the spruce cone) was Fairy Bells Disporum trachycarpum

Hard to see in the picture so a brief description: Leaves like a veratrum or plantain, 6 white petals and 6 yellow stamens, flowers dangling usually in pairs.

Special thanks to Marianne who graced us with her presence, and thanks to everyone who participated. My highlight, not really plant related...... they sell deep fried mac 'n' cheese at the Brighton store. Thanks for the shout out on the Larry Sagars show too. Next month Saturday July 19th we will be at the south end of the Brighton ski resort parking lot heading towards lake Mary by way of Twin Lakes area.

What we saw and talked about:

Small flowered woodlandstar

edible valerian

Ribes hudsonia

Blue spruce

White fir

Douglas fir


Service Berry



Sawblade saxifrage

American Mountain Ash

Twin Berry



Lobleaf groundsel

Lambstongue groundsel

Mounding sunflower

Jessies sticktight

Mertensia arizonica


Starry Solamon Seal

Fritillaria purpurrea

Longtooth sweetpea

Green Gentian, Eldweed

Sweet woodruff



If I've missed anything post to the comments and I'll add it.